

exports.pickle_rewards:AddAchievement(source, achievementId)
--Adds specified achievement for source.
arguments: source, achievementId

exports.pickle_rewards:RemoveAchievement(source, achievementId)
--Removes specified achievement for source.
arguments: source, achievementId

exports.pickle_rewards:GetAchievementStatus(source, achievementId)
arguments: source, optional: achievementId
--Returns what the Acievement status is of a specific achievement.

exports.pickle_rewards:IsAchievementComplete(source, achievementId)
arguments: source, achievementId
--Returns if an Achievement is completed, but not claimed.

exports.pickle_rewards:IsAchievementClaimed(source, achievementId)
arguments: source, achievementId
--Retuns if an Achievement is claimed.

exports.pickle_rewards:AddObjectiveValue(source, achievementId, optionId, value)
--Adds the value of the achievements certain option.
arguments: source, achievementId, optionId, value 
--value is numerical(1 or greater). If value needs to be true, set to 1.

exports.pickle_rewards:RemoveObjectiveValue(source, achievementId, optionId, value)
--Removes the value of the achievements certain option.
arguments: source, achievementId, optionId, value 
--value is numerical(1 or greater). If value needs to be true, set to 1.

exports.pickle_rewards:SetObjectiveValue(source, achievementId, optionId, value)
--Sets the value of the achievements certain option.
arguments: source, achievementId, optionId, value 
--value is numerical(1 or greater). If value needs to be true, set to 1.

exports.pickle_rewards:GetObjectiveValue(source, achievementId, optionId)
--Returns the value of the achievements certain option.
arguments: source, achievementId, optionId

exports.pickle_rewards:AddSpins(source, amount)--Adds Spins to source.
arguments: source, amount
--amount is numerical.

exports.pickle_rewards:RemoveSpins(source, amount)--Removes Spins from source.
arguments: source, amount
--amount is numerical.

exports.pickle_rewards:SetSpins(source, amount)
arguments: source, amount
--amount is numerical.

arguments: source
--returns a value.

arguments: source
--Returns the current day of streak.

arguments: source
--Returns the referral code that's used to invite others.

arguments: source
--Returns the active referrer of source.

arguments: source
--Returns the total playtime of source.

arguments: source
--Returns the total playtime of source in the currect session. 
--(Closing game will reset this)


arguments: section
--Opens the menu to a specific section.

--Closes the menu.

--Returns if you're in the menu.

--Returns the players total play time.

Last updated