
Read carefully to ensure you've done everything required.

What do I need?

Use a supported framework or make it work with yours via the bridge folder.

Ox Lib (Required, Works with any server).


⚠️Make sure you rename the folder from pickle_metaldetector-main to pickle_metaldetector prior to installing.⚠️

If you miss this step the script will not function as expected.

Navigate to the "_INSTALL" folder.

Import the images in the _INSTALL/images folder to your inventory image folder. (Varies on framework)

Run the SQL for ESX, or into the shared/items.lua for QB-Core.

["metal_wand"] 							= {["name"] = "metal_wand",  	     		    ["label"] = "Metal Wand",	 		    ["weight"] = 1, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "metal_wand.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	    ["useable"] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   	["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

Last updated